Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

China Got a Big Contract. Nepal Got Debt and a Pricey Airport.

China called the project a “signature” of its cooperation with Nepal. Insiders and documents reveal the pitfalls of China’s infrastructure-at-any-cost model.

On a sweltering June morning, the new international terminal at the airport in Pokhara, Nepal’s second-biggest city, roared to life with the arrival of a Sichuan Airlines flight from China.

A water cannon showered the plane, an Airbus A319, the first international flight to land at the airport since it had opened six months earlier. A throng of people gathered in the arrival area to greet the passengers, wishing them a “hearty welcome” to “the Land of Everest” with their signs.

These maiden arrivals were athletes and Chinese officials who had come for a good-will dragon boat race. Their flight had been chartered and funded by Beijing. Like almost every other facet of the airport, even the first batch of international passengers had relied on China’s favor.
