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Manitoba Métis Federation applauds Supreme Court ruling on child welfare

The Manitoba Métis Federation is applauding the Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling that the federal Indigenous child welfare act is constitutional.
Canada’s highest court upheld the entirety of Ottawa’s 2019 act, which affirmed that Indigenous Peoples have an inherent right of self-government that includes control over child and family services.
We applaud the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, which supports our government and other Indigenous governments, affirming the rights of the Métis of the Red River and ensuring they are protected. Visit to read more. #RedRiverMétis
— Manitoba Métis Federation (@MBMetis_MMF) February 9, 2024

Federation President David Chartrand says the act has shown that Métis laws and cultures are respected.
The federation is in the process of proposing its own law under Bill C-92.
